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Christopher Bull

Aspiring Oceanographer at Northumbria University. Big data python enthusiast. Outdoor adventurer.

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Climate scientists are always wanting data on different grids. Python docs are typically excellent but I couldn’t find a nice example using rectangular/mesh grids so here it is…

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate


#old grid dim
loni=np.array([109.94999695, 110.05000305, 110.15000153])
depi=np.array([3.04677272, 9.45404911, 16.36396599, 23.89871025])

#new grid dim
lon=np.arange(110.,110.3,.1) #NB: 110.2 outside of convex hull of old so will produce nan

#create mesh
X, Y = np.meshgrid(loni, depi)
XI, YI = np.meshgrid(lon,depth)

new_grid=scipy.interpolate.griddata((X.flatten(),Y.flatten()),old_grid_data.flatten() , (XI,YI),method='cubic')

print "this is original"
print old_grid_data.reshape(4,3)
print ""
print "this is interp' by cubic"
print new_grid

print "this is diff"
print new_grid-old_grid_data.reshape(4,3)

NB: the old_grid and data you pass to scipy.interpolate.griddata needs to be flattened or ravel (the error messages are not instructive). You can pass a masked array too!

In category: python